Press releases and statements

The latest statements and media releases from the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle are listed below including those from the Catholic Schools Office, CatholicCare Social Services Hunter-Manning and the Catholic Community Fund.

Please direct any media enquiries or requests for interviews to the Communications Team via email: 

07Dec 2015

Diocese invites all to launch a Year of Mercy and celebrate 150 year anniversary

Pope Francis and Bishop Bill Wright are issuing a joint invitation to all members of the local community to take part in the Diocese's Year of Mercy, which will also see the Diocese celebrate its 150t…


12Nov 2015

Official opening of Sacred Heart Columbarium this Sunday

This Sunday, 15th November, Bishop Bill Wright will officially bless and open the newly-developed Columbarium at the Sacred Heart Cathedral - 841 Hunter St, Newcastle West.   Following extensive redev…


04Nov 2015

Statement from Bishop Bill Wright on proposed national redress scheme for victims of abuse

'Recently the Federal opposition pledged $33 million to fund the operation of a national redress scheme for victims of abuse – one of the key recommendations from the Royal Commission into Institution…


03Nov 2015

Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle launches St Nicholas Early Education

Today the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle is pleased to announce a new service agency - St Nicholas Early Education.   St Nicholas Early Education will provide much-needed early education services…


27Oct 2015

Statement from Bishop Bill Wright in support of Bishop Greg Thompson (1)

‘This week Bishop Greg Thompson made the brave decision to speak out about past abuse he had suffered as a young man, perpetrated by a member of Clergy. I know this is not a decision which Bishop Greg…


28Sep 2015

Catholic Diocese to pray for hope, peace and end to violence to mark 10th anniversary of 2005 Bali bombings

In a service of remembrance and hope at the Sacred Heart Cathedral this Wednesday 30 September at 7pm, the community is invited to join Bishop Bill Wright to pray for those of families affected by the…


22Sep 2015

Catholic Bishop to Launch Social Justice Statement and bless work of CatholicCare Refugee Service ahead of Social Justice Sunday

This Thursday the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle will launch the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC) Social Justice Statement 2015-2016 For Those Who've Come Across the Seas – Justic…


09Sep 2015

Catholic Diocese Plays its Part in Protecting Children for National Child Protection Week

Hundreds of white balloons will be displayed across the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle's 56 Catholic schools, its central offices on Hunter Street, Newcastle West and Sacred Heart Cathedral this Thursd…


06Aug 2015

CatholicCare Social Services offers brighter future for Gloucester

This Tuesday 11 August, CatholicCare Social Services Hunter-Manning will officially open a new office at 47 King Street, in the heart of Gloucester.  Bishop Bill Wright will join staff and clients of…


14Jul 2015

Diocese announces development of new schools and significant growth in Catholic education

The Catholic Schools Office in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle is pleased to announce that it will build two new high schools and extend two existing high schools, one of the single biggest developm…
