The latest statements and media releases from the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle are listed below including those from the Catholic Schools Office, CatholicCare Social Services Hunter-Manning and the Catholic Community Fund.
Please direct any media enquiries or requests for interviews to the Communications Team via email:
After four years with the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle, Mr Steve Lemos has announced he will be resigning from his role as Head of Catholic Schools at the end of the school year. Appointed to the…
Dear Fathers, Deacons, Parish Leaders and Secretaries, For many years, the diocese has provided for parishioners who wished to attend Mass and pray according to the liturgical books of 1962 the oppor…
Please CLICK HERE to read the letter from Most Reverend Michael Kennedy - Bishop of Maitland-Newcastle
A new primary school is one step closer for the Port Stephens region, with Medowie’s Catherine McAuley Primary School officially on the way. Scheduled to open in 2026, the primary school will cater t…
The Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle can confirm that the individual who was placed on Administrative Leave for misconduct has since been charged by NSW Police in relation to their actions with a person…
Two members of teaching staff at the senior campus of All Saints’ College Maitland have been placed on Administrative Leave whilst allegations of two serious misconduct matters are investigated. Scho…
To the People of the Diocese Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Re: Outcomes of the Safeguarding Audit of the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle As you may know, late in 2023 our Diocese was the subje…
A rigorous safeguarding audit of the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle has assessed a 98 per cent compliance with the National Catholic Safeguarding Standards (NCSS) according to the audit report…
Please CLICK HERE to read the letter from Most Reverend Michael Kennedy - Bishop of Maitland-Newcastle
Following the recent announcement by Catholic Church Insurance, the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle affirms its support of the joint statement provided from Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, Pr…