


Held on the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Newcastle West, Sacred@Seven is a Eucharistic Adoration service developed by the Catholic youth of Maitland-Newcastle, for young people, which aims to offer a different prayer experience for youth.

Eucharistic Adoration is a service in which people pray, listen to a gospel reading, sing and reflect silently before Jesus present in the Eucharist.

Sacred@Seven aims to assist youth from all backgrounds to experience the divine mystery in Jesus' presence.

Hour of Adoration and Prayer (a similar adoration service) is held at St Phillip's Church, Kotara on Sundays from 6.30pm (6.00pm start in winter).

Visit our "Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle: Youth Ministry" Facebook page to keep up-to-date on events.



Contact Us Today

Brendon Mannyx

Manager, Community and Mission

841 Hunter Street, Newcastle WEST

Call 02 4979 2228

Email Now!