More than 450 Catholic high school students to perform in DIOSOUNDS Music Showcase

On Wednesday 11 June at 6.30pm, more than 450 school students representing eleven Catholic high schools in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle will take part in the annual DIOSOUNDS music festival at the Civic Theatre, Newcastle.


DIOSOUNDS is an initiative of the Catholic Schools of Maitland-Newcastle and showcases the incredible musical, performance and production skills of students ranging in age from 12 to 18 years. Now in its seventh year, soloists, small and large ensembles, choirs and concert bands from across the diocese, will take to the stage with a wide variety of performance items from contemporary rock to musical theatre.


DIOSOUNDS Event Coordinator and teacher at All Saints College, St Peter’s Campus, Maitland, Mrs Michelle Burgess, said the event provides a unique experience for students, parents, friends and the whole community to witness the range of talent coming from Catholic Schools in the Hunter and Manning regions.


“Each of the 11 high schools will have a group of 50 – 60 students performing. DIOSOUNDS gives all young people in Catholic high schools the opportunity to perform on stage and work with a professional crew,” Mrs Burgess said.


“The students look forward to DIOSOUNDS every year,” she said. “There is a wonderful sense of community backstage with the students from geographically diverse schools interacting and supporting each other.”


“This year DIOSOUNDS will incorporate more elements of the performing arts than in previous years with some exciting musical genres on display, including visually stunning Latin American performances utilising percussion instruments. Another highlight will be some musical theatre performances, featuring a number from Cats and a finale to get the audience on its feet from Hairspray.” 


Schools performing and taking part in DIOSOUNDS include St Mary’s High School Gateshead, St Pius X High School Adamstown, San Clemente High School Mayfield, St Paul’s High School Booragul, St Francis Xavier’s College Hamilton, All Saints College St Peter’s Campus Maitland, All Saints College St Mary’s Campus Maitland, All Saints College St Joseph’s Campus Lochinvar, St Catherine’s College Singleton, St Joseph’s High School Aberdeen and St Clare’s High School Taree.


DIOSOUNDS will also include a matinee performance along with the evening performance. The matinee performance will serve as a dress rehearsal and will entertain more than 900 Catholic primary school students from across the diocese, eager to be involved and looking to be inspired by the musical talents of older students.


The evening performance will start at 6.30pm Wednesday 11 June 2013 at the Civic Theatre, Hunter Street, Newcastle. Tickets are available through Ticketek and limited tickets will also be available on the night at the door. Adults $30, students/concession $15.


Media opportunity
WHAT: DIOSOUNDS music festival – photo and interview opportunities with students and staff

WHO: Over 450 Catholic high school students performing and 44 Catholic primary schools in attendance

WHEN: Wednesday 11th June from 10.30am (morning performance)


To arrange a photo or interview with students or teachers taking part in DIOSOUNDS from your local area or to RSVP for the dress rehearsal, please contact Communications Manager Kate Bennett, on 0419 263 901. 

