Diocese celebrates Easter with hundreds from across the region attending mass services

The Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle is pleased to report well attended mass services throughout the region this Easter season.


Many people worshipped the stations of the cross on Good Friday at Sacred Heart Cathedral; with a number of families celebrating together. Easter saw locals and holidaymakers alike come together at Forster – with large crowds attending mass services across the weekend, while the Chisholm region saw an increase on numbers from last year.


Vicar General, Fr Brian Mascord says it's important for the Diocese to provide faith and worship support to the people of the region now, and throughout the year to come:


"While Easter is an important time of the year for everyone in the community, we also recognise that this is a particularly meaningful time for the faithful, as they reflect and celebrate together as one."


"This year we are pleased to again see numbers increase on last year – with more of the community joining together and reconnecting with their Catholic beliefs," Fr Mascord said.